Yesterday we visited Kew Gardens with our friend Katy and her children Tilly, Tallulah and Oscar. It was great to see them again, and as usual, it was a super day out, despite the cold grey start. We enjoyed many different aspects of our visit, although as not uncommon with Kew, we didn't manage to fit in everything we wanted to see and do. Personally I feel two things we should attempt next time are the treetop walk and the "enormous family sharing sundaes" on offer at the ice creamery by the children's playground...
Anyway, when you come to the end of the perfect day, it's always good to have something out of the ordinary to round off with, and this wedding group was most definitely in that category. Katy has already blogged about it at and I can't resist joining in, as I discover that I have a couple of photos of The Dresses. Not since the 1960s have I seen such fabric as the lady first left below is wearing - my parents were florists then, and I well remember my mother's notebook with samples of bridesmaids' dress fabric. Da-glo tamgerine, turquoise, salmon, raspberry and mauve - and polyester is SUCH a blessing! Do observe also, as Katy remarked, the focus on the bra beneath; and as Keith pointed out, the stylish Tesco bag accessory! I also have to assume that they knew what they were doing being photographed in front of the temple of Bellona, goddess of war. The Strife is O'er, the Battle Won, or just Fight the Good Fight?